Reading Notes: British North America - Part A, The Man in the Moon

The Man in the Moon Central Eskimo I think the setting in this one is actually the star, because it's literally set on the moon. The way the story is told, you get this very unearthly (obviously), magical, kind of feel. I imagine this small, desolate house surrounded by the grayish, rocky plains of the moon, covered in white deerskins so that it almost blends in with the surroundings. Instead of actual halves of walruses guarding the door, I imagine two statues of the upper bodies and heads of the walrus on either side of the door, facing each other, and they come to life just as you pass between them and try to snap and bite at you. You enter the house and see a red-and-white dog sitting in the entryway. It's the only dog on the moon, and I imagine it to be kind of stately and observant, watching you as you enter the house. The story talks about an inner room and an outer room, and in the inner room sits the Moon's wife, the Sun. I imagine that the eskimo can...